Tadi bangun jam 6 PAGI loooooooooooooooooooooooooo !! *BANGGA*
biasanya ane bangun jam 6 ... SORE ;p
nyahok.com !
bisa bangun pagi-pagi cz klaperan plus bpk ane mau ke Jakarta hari ini !!
padahal hari ini fathers day kan?
*kecewa beraaat*
Minggu, 19 Juni 2011
Selasa, 14 Juni 2011
I dont know what is this flower's name in English, but its Bunga Kembang
Sepatu in Bali. Bunga= Flower, so its Kembang Sepatu Flower
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Camera Data
Canon EOS Kiss X4
1/64 second
55 mm
May 17, 2011, 6:11:48 PM
EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Shop For This Camera
Canon EOS Kiss X4
1/64 second
55 mm
May 17, 2011, 6:11:48 PM
EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Day #2 Photography : ORCHID
Canon EOS Kiss X4
1/64 second
55 mm
May 17, 2011, 6:10:16 PM
EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Canon EOS Kiss X4
1/64 second
55 mm
May 17, 2011, 6:10:16 PM
EF-S18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Minggu, 12 Juni 2011
100 FACTS About ME
1. Real Name → Sayaka Takemura
2. Nickname → Sayaka, you can call me Tayaka Sakemura too
4. Male Or Female →Female
5. Elementary → In Saraswati 4
6. Middle school → HOGWARTS!! (Haha)
7. High School → not yet
8. Hair Color → Black hair <3
9. Long Or Short → Long
10. Loud Or Quiet → Loud
11. Sweats Or Jeans → Jeans !!
12. Phone Or Camera → Phone
13. Health Freak → No not really.
14. Drink Or Smoke? → Neither.
15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone? → No.
16. Eat Or Drink? → Drink
17. Piercings? → Nope
18. Tattoos? → Nope
2. Nickname → Sayaka, you can call me Tayaka Sakemura too
4. Male Or Female →Female
5. Elementary → In Saraswati 4
6. Middle school → HOGWARTS!! (Haha)
7. High School → not yet
8. Hair Color → Black hair <3
9. Long Or Short → Long
10. Loud Or Quiet → Loud
11. Sweats Or Jeans → Jeans !!
12. Phone Or Camera → Phone
13. Health Freak → No not really.
14. Drink Or Smoke? → Neither.
15. Do You Have A Crush On Someone? → No.
16. Eat Or Drink? → Drink
17. Piercings? → Nope
18. Tattoos? → Nope
DAY 1 : Rapunzel Drawing !!!!!
its the first day on summer, 12th of June, and as i promised, its my first drawing !
I Decided To Make Rapunzel-Disney Tangled Drawing !!
FULL SIZE HERE : http://yakatakemuraas.deviantart.com/#/d3i9yd8
My First Rapunzel - Disney Tangled Drawing!!

havent watch the movie yet
Took 4~5 hours STRAIGHT!!
B, 5B (for the boots) , 2B
Reference Used
Thanks for viewing !!
any comments and favourites will be highly appreciated !
its the first day on summer, 12th of June, and as i promised, its my first drawing !
I Decided To Make Rapunzel-Disney Tangled Drawing !!
FULL SIZE HERE : http://yakatakemuraas.deviantart.com/#/d3i9yd8
My First Rapunzel - Disney Tangled Drawing!!
havent watch the movie yet
Took 4~5 hours STRAIGHT!!
B, 5B (for the boots) , 2B
Reference Used
Thanks for viewing !!
any comments and favourites will be highly appreciated !
Jumat, 03 Juni 2011
Tipe-tipe Tweeps
Twitter sekarang sudah merajalela di kalangan anak muda di Indonesia. User Twitter, yang dikenal (AKA) Tweeps, tentu banyak tipe-tipenya. Saya akan mengulas tipe-tipenya dari sudut pandang saya. Sori kalo merasa tersinggung karena saya bakal kejam mengulasnya.
1. Tweep yang nge-tweet setiap menit
Tweep ini biasanya memberitahukan setiap detail kegiatannya.
Contoh : 10.25 am Baru banggguuun. yok eksis di tweet.
10.26 am brb mau ngambil sarapan
10.27 am lagi makan roti nih, yummy :9
10.28 am waa rotinya udah mau habis, padahal enak ! (ya ampun -.-)
~Tweep ini sih gk begitu gedegin. biasanya saya cuman ngakak di depan komputer aja. tapi kalo kebanyakan, wah, gedegin sangatt !
Twitter sekarang sudah merajalela di kalangan anak muda di Indonesia. User Twitter, yang dikenal (AKA) Tweeps, tentu banyak tipe-tipenya. Saya akan mengulas tipe-tipenya dari sudut pandang saya. Sori kalo merasa tersinggung karena saya bakal kejam mengulasnya.
1. Tweep yang nge-tweet setiap menit
Tweep ini biasanya memberitahukan setiap detail kegiatannya.
Contoh : 10.25 am Baru banggguuun. yok eksis di tweet.
10.26 am brb mau ngambil sarapan
10.27 am lagi makan roti nih, yummy :9
10.28 am waa rotinya udah mau habis, padahal enak ! (ya ampun -.-)
~Tweep ini sih gk begitu gedegin. biasanya saya cuman ngakak di depan komputer aja. tapi kalo kebanyakan, wah, gedegin sangatt !
Kamis, 02 Juni 2011
Justin Bieber !! Hahaa .. im not a Belieber though, this was my friend's request and it was really cool to draw his eyes, cute mouth-shape, and his hair :D
i made this on 2011, i think its January, yeah..
3 hours, 5B,2B pencils , tons of concentration..
Thanks for reading !!
Have a great day !!
Bye !! :D
i made this on 2011, i think its January, yeah..
3 hours, 5B,2B pencils , tons of concentration..
Thanks for reading !!
Have a great day !!
Bye !! :D
1. Real friends: Take the blame. Fake Friends: Blame you.
(This one's my favorite because i remember ive take the blame from my friend and im really glad ive do this )
2. 9 year olds today have Facebooks, twitter, phones, ipods. When I was their age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.
(i even dont have a crayon when i was 9.. really, i have crayon when i was 10 lol )
3. Dear teacher, I am friends with 100% of people in this class. Wherever you move me, I'm going to talk. Sincerely, it's your choice.
(Agree 100%)
4. If Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner get married, they would both be Taylor Lautner.
(Yes, i know its not a quote but this one made me laughing so hard ROFL)
1. Real friends: Take the blame. Fake Friends: Blame you.
(This one's my favorite because i remember ive take the blame from my friend and im really glad ive do this )
2. 9 year olds today have Facebooks, twitter, phones, ipods. When I was their age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.
(i even dont have a crayon when i was 9.. really, i have crayon when i was 10 lol )
3. Dear teacher, I am friends with 100% of people in this class. Wherever you move me, I'm going to talk. Sincerely, it's your choice.
(Agree 100%)
4. If Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner get married, they would both be Taylor Lautner.
(Yes, i know its not a quote but this one made me laughing so hard ROFL)
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