Kamis, 02 Juni 2011



1. Real friends: Take the blame. Fake Friends: Blame you.

(This one's my favorite because i remember ive take the blame from my friend and im really glad ive do this )

2. 9 year olds today have Facebooks, twitter, phones, ipods. When I was their age, I had a coloring book, crayons, chalk, and imagination.

(i even dont have  a crayon when i was 9.. really, i have crayon when i was 10 lol )

3. Dear teacher, I am friends with 100% of people in this class. Wherever you move me, I'm going to talk. Sincerely, it's your choice.

(Agree 100%)

4. If Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner get married, they would both be Taylor Lautner.

(Yes, i know its not a quote but this one made me laughing so hard ROFL)

5. Person: "Hola! Como estas?" Spanish dude: *speaks mad fast spanish* Person: "DUDE, CHILL. Dora didn't teach me that yet!"

(Not a quote, but its cool)
 6. Facebook: the only place where you can be married to your best friend, and have more than 20 siblings

(i have 26 siblings on my facebook and only 3 of them are my real siblings ;p)

(i just changed this post's title with quotes and jokes, 'cause ive found there is more jokes than the quotes)

7. I like books. They take you to another place. Whether its falling in love or saving the world with supernatural powers. Books are magical :)


8. One day I’ll tell my grandchildren that I survived the end of the world 5 times.

(WooHoo!! )

9. Remember: every time you buy a pineapple, you make one Spongebob's relatives homeless.

(i just bought a pineapple a month ago, Sorry Spongebob !)

10. If you can't live without me, why aren't you dead yet?

(Yeaah just diee *sarcasm* )

11. Just because a girl says "i'm okay" with the smile on her face, doesn't mean everything is alright.

(10000% true)

12. Facebook should have “So What” button.

(and.. that DISLIKE button! )

13. Me + Holiday = Perfect match.

(Me+School = worst match !)

14. "Error: 404 not found" I wasn't looking for 404, B***h!

(HAHAHA.. and this was my status on facebook ;P )

15. "are you crying?" no, im impersonating a fountain.

(no comment)

16. On Facebook: 1 friend request, 0 mutual friends. Umm...how did you find me?!

( i just got 55 friends request today and all of them were working on COCA COLA, same as me (i worked as a DRINKER ;p ) , so i dont know how its work but it seems that you can add friends through their job! P.S i ignored them all)

17. TYPEWRITER, is the longest word that can be made using only one row of the keyboard. RT if you just looked at your keyboard.

 (i just looked at my keyboard.. and that was right)

Sorry, but its 10.10pm right now in my place and i have classes tommorow (SUCKS!!)

but its only 1 week left until SUMMER !! yaayy!!
(all quotes and jokes are not from me. i dont own them.)

I know there was 1000000000 mistakes on this post, and , again, IM SOO SORRY i just 12 and i started  learning English from 10 LOLzz (Laughing Out LOud ZEBRA ZEBRA?!! )

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